Summer Camp Proposal
Info for sponsors
Camp Overview
WROC’s 2019 summer camp will run from July 8th 2019- July 26th 2019 between the hours of 8:15 am- 1:00 pm. The camp will have 15-20 participants who will be both girls and boys between the ages of 5-14. The camp will focus on the areas of sports (football), education, health, and art.
WROC seeks to empower the communities of Kingston.
By providing a summer youth camp which can be implemented and monitored, we help demonstrate the value of education, sports, art, and health among children. These skills foster better personal and inter-personal relations between citizens, resulting in a stronger and safer society.
The camp aligns with Vision 2030 for a Greater Jamaica, by providing an opportunity for youth to develop and grow in the areas of education, sports, art, and remedial school studies.
The camp intends to impact participant’s academic performance, behavioral-skills, communication skills, self-awareness and knowledge. The camp seeks to take special care to develop the potential of children in WROC’s surrounding communities of Trenchtown, Lyndhurst/ Greenwhich, Maxfield Park by allowing both girls and boys an opportunity to reach their fullest potential no matter their circumstance. Our goal is to promote positive youth development through social, physical, emotional and moral support whilst trying to create space for growth for each child.
The camp will run from
July 8th - 26th 2019
8:15 am - 1:00pm weekdays
The camp will have 15-20 children between the ages of 5-14.
Each Friday we will seek to provide a field trip, with the last day of camp being a parent/community day.
Daily schedule:
8:15- Arrival and breakfast.
8:35- Head to the field
10:00 Head back to WROC
10:10- Cool down and Snack
10:30- Education classes
11:45- Final art and extra work.
12:45 finish.
& Recreation
Our Goal
To give inner city youth, and disadvantaged youth an opportunity to develop basic football techniques, promote exercise, promote a healthy lifestyle, and promote healthy gender expression. This would provide youth an opportunity to improve physical coordination, develop exercise routines, improve teamwork building, in turn improving life skills and giving youth an outlet during the summer. This program would promote gender equality among youth, as we would have both girls and boys being active in the program. Each week would have a different focus and theme in football development ranging from passing, to techniques, focusing on improving the youth both on and off the field.
WROC’s Summer Camp Program strongly encourages creativity.
In order to complete this we will be spending 1 hour a day and 4 hours on field trip days to further explore the culture, history, and heritage of beautiful Jamaica.
Our goal is to:
- Allow youth to express themselves in a hearty variety of art forms.
- Experience the local creative gifts of Jamaica.
- Allow for further cognitive development.
- Expose children to healthy outlets for emotions.
By using art and dance our kids will have an opportunity to grow and further develop. Some examples would include a parents day, or performing at WROC.
We also plan to include trips for the kids to explore Jamaica’s wealthy and diverse culture. These trips would promote a healthy well being and encourage active participation.
Our camp wants to provide
youth with an opportunity to learn about what it means to be a healthy child as well as an opportunity to learn and screen for early health issues. This means an early monitoring of health issues to those children who may not have regular access to health screenings such as eye tests. In order to have a better understanding of health the camp would like to integrate a social worker in the programming to teach the children about health issues.
Improving community health will lead to a better Jamaica for the youth.
Our camp program seeks to ensure all students can reach their full potential.
By providing school lessons specifically in literacy and mathematics each day, in small groups the camp intends to improve literacy and numeracy skills among students.
Our objectives are to
- Improve literacy.
- Improve communication skills.
- Improve Mathematical abilities.
Student Profile
Many of the students who currently attend programming at WROC are under performing and struggle in reading and writing for their grade level.
The objectives will be verified by the following actions:
-Monitoring of literacy levels.
-Meeting with parents.
-Reports from coordinators and volunteers.
The Social Development Commission (SDC) stated in their community profile of Trechtown that, sixty-two (62%) percent of all households are headed by persons without academic qualification, while forty-four point eight per cent (44.8%) are headed by unemployed persons.
According to the Community Profile Trench Town is plagued by:
- High levels of youth unemployment;
- High levels of adult unemployment;
- Limited or no opportunities for training and employment;
- High levels of high school dropout, and;
Poor Parenting.
Based on the community profile we are assured that the children in the community are in need of academic support at all levels. In order to stem the tide of low academic achievement and poor socialization we want to create our summer camp programme to strengthen our outreach to the youth and youth programming. Through the use of art, sports and discussion based activities the children will have an opportunity to improve academically as well as socially.
Thank you kindly for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact us today to discuss how your contribution can best benefit the communities of Kingston Jamaica.
Please see the contact form below.