Youth SUmmer Camp
Fitness Camp
Our 2019 Youth Summer Camp taught fitness, health, inter-personal relations, conflict resolution, and art.
By taking the children on field trips, and bringing in special guests we brought the kids to culture, and culture to the kids.
Train Fit Club JA hosted an afternoon seminar teaching the kids to stay fit by playing games and challenging them to execute obstacle courses. Kids love a challenge.
We had frequent football matches at the nearby church where the kids could play against each other and the staff. Our in-house football pro Mackenzie taught them new tactics, and challenged them to play better.
Institute of Jamaica Museum
We visited the Institute of Jamaica Museum, where we learned about the history of Jamaica, our ancestors, local flora and fauna, and music!
All smiles.
Learning about the many musical talents that Jamaica has given birth to.
Opening doors to new information, learning about where we came from, so we can guide where we're going.
360 Recycling Center
At the 360 Recycling Center we were shown how recycled materials can be reused to create new tools and sculptures!
Sculptures made from recycled materials. Look great, resellable, and fun!
Impressive craftsmanship! The kids admired the fact that they were made from materials that would otherwise get burned or thrown out.
Fun to ride on, and a great photo opportunity!